Dear Other Half,
Firstly, there are some things you should probably know about me. So heres your chance to run away! I am hard work and i will drive you up the wall. Im full of difficult questions and touchy subjects. I can't make a plan and stick to it. I can't read maps and my recipes consist of "i guessed".
I don't know if ill have more crappy boyfriends before i decide I've found someone cool enough to be with forever, but as of today and not that i care, Ive had one "real" relationship and it didn't end well. Although I'm glad because i really found what i do and dont want in a partner. I hope I've found a better match this time around.
I need you to make me laugh. As often as possible. I need you to send me texts that make me giggle at work. I need you to leave me cartoon drawings in the cereal box. I need you to pull faces and stick your tounge out. I need you to play pranks on me. I need you to tell me crazy stories. And i need you to laugh. Not just at me, but at yourself too. We need to laugh together.
Im never going to be super tidy. I like to make mess. It will get cleaned up when I'm ready. Clean it up yourself if it bothers you. What point is cooking a yummy meal and then having it go cold while you do the dishes? Or playing games and having to pack it up before you are sure you are finished with it? Ill always be running late and missing appointments. Learn to live with this chaos.
Sometimes I get incredibly sad for no real reason, its not my fault and its not yours either but you'll feel like you've lost me. I think of these times like a wave, it will peak and wash away. When my ocean is rough, brave the storm and roll with each crashing wave. Don't fight against me or we will both end up hurt. I need you to be calm and understanding. I need you to motivate me on days when i don't want to get up. Remind me of all of the good things i did that day, even if it was only the dishes. Encourage me to eat something. Tell me i look nice, even if i don't. Give me a big hug and tell me you love me and that you promise.
An hour, a day, a week. However long, please remember my calm will always return and ill be yours again.
Ill always be there for you when you need me too. And if you happen to need me when i need you, we can be there for each other. I will invest my time, money, body and heart into you and nothing will ever exhaust my patience or support for you. Ill face your fears with you and you can tell me anything. I want us to have babies one day, but if life takes us a different direction, you will always be enough for me. You are my family and i will follow you wherever you want to go. I want to see you achieve your dreams and i hope you'll help me achieve mine.
And we will have our disagreements, often. But we will always agree to disagree because you mean more to me then being right. You'll be smug, thinking you have won, but deep down knowing i probably wasn't so wrong. Because you realise even though at first i seem like an airhead, when you get me talking i know a thing or two. I never lost the curiosity of a child, I'm not too proud to ask when i don't know what something is. I will always be learning, and you'll be my teacher at times.
I imagine us growing old together and learning about each other every single day. I imagine the stories we will be able to tell and the memories created together. I think of us ageing and my laugh lines getting deeper and deeper, a reminder of how many times you made me smile. One strand of your hair turning grey for each time i asked you the same question twice.
Maybe I'm a silly girl or totally bat shit crazy, but i honestly believe there is somebody for everybody. Everyone has a soulmate who makes you the most you, you can be. You bring out the best in each other. Whether its a romantic partner, friend, sibling... Everyone has the ability to connect deeply with someone. You run on the same wave length and you resinate together. That is love.
I know we will meet when the time is right,
Your other half.
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