Standing in the shower this morning, i was brainstorming what my next post would be about.
I knew i wanted to share my outlook on life:
"Chill out, roll with it, ride it out."
Too many people stress themselves to breaking point.
Nothing is worth that hassle.
Everything truly does work out in the end.
But, how do i explain this in blog form?
Then, I remembered, "RENT IS DUE TODAY!"
Living off centrelink benefits it do-able, but not easy.
They give you enough to cover the basics, food, rent and medication.
The rest gets stretched out over phone, electricity, and whatever else you need to live on.
For me, i barely make ends meet, god forbid if anything breaks or i need something new, i just don't have the savings, i just can't budget anything over $50 in, and even if i try, i might have to wait months to be able to spare the money!
Today my payment goes into my account.
I already know that this fortnight its going to be tough, even if I'm stingy, i can barely afford my rent!
I usually try to throw an extra $20 in with rent so I'm in credit, even though that $20 may have been treat money for myself.
I remember this and grab my calculator and calendar.
After many minutes of calculation,
Turns out i am in credit just enough to ease the pressure!
You see, this happens to me all the time.
Things always work out.
Positivity is the key.
I ask the universe to help me, when i need it.
I didn't get handed a big packet of money,
I still was responsible to put away money,
But for there to be just enough to get me through?
That means I'm doing something right.
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