Sunday, 22 December 2013

Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at.

                                                             Some things you may not know about me.                                

1. I was born and spent my childhood in a tiny town called Helensburgh.
2. I have a huge extended family. My Grandfather was one of 19... Imagine all my 2nd and 3rd cousins!
3. My middle name is Rachael. I like it. I like my whole name.
4. My very first job was at McDonalds, I spent nearly 4 years working there.
5. Ive only had one serious relationship, it lasted less then 12 months.
6. I have a black bunny called ThumpaNigga, he liv
es at my parents house.
7. Ive shaved my head twice. Once for charity.
8. My favourate drink is vodka with nearly anything. :P
9. I love a good beer.
10. I have 8 piercing (including my nipple!). I rarely have jewellery in all of them at once though.
11. I don't and have never smoked cigarettes. Ive had a couple of puffs while very drunk, but it just makes me feel sick.
12. My feet are different sizes, my right one being slightly larger.  Finding shoes that fit is horrible because I'm in-between two sizes.
13. I love the song 99 luft balloons, i want it to be played at my funeral.
14. I avoid medication, ill always try natural cures first. Ive never not cleared a headache with lots of water and pressure points.
15. My favourate colour is red.
16. I support the legalisation of cannabis. Im quite passionate about it, i cop judgement all the time for it.
17. My parents nicknamed me Lillian Lumpet as a child, they still call my Lillian or Lilly. My mates also call me Pete. I think Pete is a cool nickname for a girl too.
18. Ive never been overseas.
19. Ive also never seen snow.
20. If i could meet anyone dead or alive, it would be Frida Kahlo, I love her, she is an awesome woman.

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