Thursday, 12 December 2013

Two birds of a Feather, and the rest is just whatever.

What a chick. 

She makes me laugh harder then anyone I've ever met. 
She's bat shit crazy, nothing she says really makes sense. 
She's one of the most independent, got her shit together, i do what i want people i know. 
She gives no fucks. 

She's always classy, even when she's wasted, barefoot walking home from clubs. 
She lives on my couch. Seriously. She's just decided she lives here now too. She hasn't been to her own place in weeks! 

She drinks cheap wine from jars and laughs about it. 
She's a total dag, the other day she told me she thinks her toenails are falling off. Lovely. 
She's always down for a good time. 
She can just chill out, she's no effort to entertain. 

Who else would chase me through surfers because i was being a drunken tool? 
She listens, without judgement. 
 She's always coming home with little gifts. 
Who bakes cupcakes at 3am? Us. 
Who colours in and does children's puzzles? Us. 
Who created a room full off pillows and blankets? Us. 

You know when you meet someone and you just click? 
Your on the exact same page and have the same idea of fun. 
Thats us. 
She gets my weird fashion sense and i understand her jokes. 
We can have whole conversations without saying a word. 

The hardest part about this post was picking photos, we just have so many great ones. 
 I think these photos explain our friendship better then any words i can type. 
Everyone deserves a friendship like ours. 
Go be weird with someone. 

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